Parks, natural fun starts in parks

Headline 1: Parks and Recreation is HIRING!
See job opportunities and apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 2: Strong swimmers needed for lifeguard jobs - we will train those selected. Apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 3: Due to ongoing construction at Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge, Eagles Roost is CLOSED until further notice. Due to construction of the observation pier, Crosby Island Marsh Preserve is CLOSED until further notice.

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Enjoy group tent camping at Camp Joy.
Kelly Park
Kelly Park's Camp Joy (Group Camping)
Basketball Courts Camping Tent Canoe/Kayak Fishing Picnic Area/Grills Rental Facilities Trails Volleyball (Sand) Wildlife
Hours of Operation:
Summer 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. / Winter 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sunday - Saturday
Phone Number: (407) 254-1902
5303 Baptist Camp Rd.
Apopka, FL 32712
Acreage: 33
Points of Interest:
With the exception of service animals, no pets are permitted in Kelly Park's Camp Joy.

Camp Joy, adjacent to Kelly Park Rock Springs, offers the summer camp experience year round. Camp Joy’s dorms are open and group camping is available; please email for information. Enjoy dormitory style or tent camping accommodations with your favorite group. Camp Joy offers a meeting hall, dining hall with kitchen, picnic pavilions, basketball court, and horseshoe pits. The beautiful vistas within this park offer visitors the opportunity to relax in a natural setting and enjoy a picnic while spending time with their group. Looking for that family camping experience? Try Kelly Park, it is just next door.

Kayak/Canoe Launch at Kelly Park's Camp Joy: $3 for 1-2 people; $5 for 3-8 people; and $1 for additional person. Bring completed Kayak/Canoe Launch Form to Kelly Park's office. Launching hours are between 8am and 12pm; Guests must return no later than 5p.m. No Pets are permitted.

Commercial activity is prohibited from the launch at Camp Joy. No person shall use any public boat ramp for activities including, but not limited to: picking up or dropping off passengers; soliciting or advertising commercial activity for hire; designating physical address of public boat ramp as physical address of commercial business; collecting, receiving or attempting to collect or receive compensation for any service; organizing or launching of a tournament or other group function for which a fee or membership is charged; O.C. Code of Laws Section 29-58.

Contact Us

Orange County Parks and Recreation
4801 W. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808

To reach a specific park: click on the A–Z tab and select the park or facility you are interested in for the phone number.
Parks Administration: 407-836-6200
Parks' Events InfoLine: 407-836-6280
Facebook Events List: Orange County, Florida
Twitter: @OrangeCoParksFL