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Great Oaks Village

a residential foster group home for children

Mayor Demings' Seal

Great Oaks Village Holiday Kickoff Livestream, Friday, November 3, at 11:30 a.m.

About Us

Since 1924, Great Oaks Village has been a safe-haven to thousands of children who have been removed from their homes by the Department of Children and Family due to various forms of abuse, abandonment or neglect. Children who range in age from 6 to 21 years, are placed in one of our six cottages in this quaint, tree-lined campus on Michigan Street, near the heart of downtown Orlando. All school aged children attend public schools and participate in activities both on and off campus. Accredited by the Council on Accreditation, recognizing quality service and positive delivery outcomes, this social landmark is widely recognized as a leader in foster care.

Great Oaks Village relies on the support of community and individual partners like you!!

Your contribution to the Great Oaks Village Christmas Campaign will provide our children with a Christmas to remember and special opportunities throughout the year. An appointed board serves as steward for all donations. All donated funds are used for the benefit of the children.

Help Make a Child's
Christmas Wish
Come True Santa hat

Great Oaks Village, from small acorns... grow great oaks
  • Donate to
  • Orange County Youth & Family
    Services Division
  • Great Oaks Village is a residential foster care group
    home that has been a safe haven for youth since 1924.
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Your Generous Gift
Makes a Difference!

Your contribution will be used to fulfill a child’s “wish list” this holiday season.

100% of your donation will directly benefit the children in the care of Youth & Family Services Division.

Become a Christmas Sponsor for a child living at Great Oaks Village and the Youth Shelter. Once all children are sponsored, any additional contributions received will be used to provide gifts for each cottage, and will also support the educational and enrichment fund for the children living in foster care at Great Oaks Village.

For more information please contact
Community Relations