Parks, natural fun starts in parks

Headline 1: Parks and Recreation is HIRING!
See job opportunities and apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 2: Strong swimmers needed for lifeguard jobs - we will train those selected. Apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 3: Due to ongoing construction at Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge, Eagles Roost is CLOSED until further notice. Due to construction of the observation pier, Crosby Island Marsh Preserve is CLOSED until further notice.

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Nature surrounds you at Blanchard Park, as these cute raccoons stop by to visit. Photo taken by Julie Fair of Orlando.
Blanchard Park
Blanchard Park
Basketball Courts Canoe/Kayak Fishing Leashed Pet Allowed Multipurpose Field Picnic Area/Grills Playground Rental Pavilions Tennis Trails Volleyball (Sand)
Hours of Operation:
Summer 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. / Winter 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sunday - Saturday
Phone Number: (407) 254-9030
2451 N Dean RD
Orlando, FL 32817
Acreage: 84
Points of Interest:
FREE Movie on the Trail: Wish, November 16
  • Join in an afternoon of fun games and activities from 2-8 p.m. Bring your family and friends for the FREE Movie on the Trail: Wish! This fun animated movie (rated PG, 92 mins.) starts at 6:15 p.m., shortly after dark. Bring lawn chairs and snacks, or purchase from food trucks (if available). No alcohol allowed in the park; no pets allowed in the viewing area. Questions? Email or call Parks Marketing 407-836-6257.

Parking Construction Notice

  • Blanchard Park's parking lot areas near the new restroom, tennis courts, pavilion 1 and the Park's office will be under construction until further notice, with an estimated completion date in June 2025.

To make a reservation, please call the park directly at 407-254-9030; leave a detailed message if you reach voicemail. Please note that Orange County Parks and Recreation requires 30 days or more to schedule and complete payment and paperwork for all rentals.

The paved 7.4-mile Little Econ Greenway Trail and the Little Econ River run through Jay Blanchard Park.

Contact Us

Orange County Parks and Recreation
4801 W. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808

To reach a specific park: click on the A–Z tab and select the park or facility you are interested in for the phone number.
Parks Administration: 407-836-6200
Parks' Events InfoLine: 407-836-6280
Facebook Events List: Orange County, Florida
Twitter: @OrangeCoParksFL