Master Street Address Guide

In an emergency, finding the right address can save a life. 911 responders can’t afford to get lost.

That’s why fire and rescue depend on a database called the Master Street Address Guide, maintained by the Public Safety division. The database contains every street located within Orange County, including cities.

Coordinators work with Growth Management and private developers to keep the database up to date. They also make sure no two streets have the same or a similar sounding name, that 911 calls display correctly at the call center, and if needed, change the name of a street or community following annexation.

You can view the database in two ways:

1. Search by full or partial name:

  • For example: to search for South Street, just enter "south" or "sou" in the textbox.
  • Do not use street suffix or special characters.

2. Search by alphabet or numbers:

For example: to search for South Street, click on the letter "S", or to search for 33rd Street, click on the number "3".

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9