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City Canyon

 - Letterio Calapai

Orange County Courthouse

About the Artwork

This woodcut print, created in 1950, is located on the fourth floor south hallway.

About the Artist

Letterio Calapai
The son of Sicilian immigrants, Letterio Calapai was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. His exposure to the arts from early childhood nurtured a desire to study the Old Masters. Fellow American artist John Taylor Arms recognized that Capalai uniquely “wants to study the great men. Very often the artist just wants to study his own ability.” He embarked on his professional career beginning at the Massachusetts Normal Art School (today known as the Massachusetts College of Art), where he immersed himself in painting. In following years, Capalai developed skill for engraving and printmaking, skills previously deemed as limited art forms. Calapai was inspired by nature, experimented with the organic, as well as the abstract. As he gained esteem in the art world, Capalai found fulfillment in promising young artists. He founded and chaired the Graphic Arts Department of the Albright Art School in Buffalo, NY (1949-1955), then taught art at the New School for Social Research (1955-1965). He also established the Intaglio Workshop for Advanced Printmaking in New York (1962-1965) and worked at numerous other colleges and universities. Calapai wed Jean Hillard in 1962. He passed away in 1993 at age ninety-one. No memorial was planned, as Jean explained, “Letterio always said, my work is my memorial.”

Did you know?

International Plaza at Lake Eola has bronze busts of four South American leaders and also India's Mohandas K. Ghandi

Discover Art in Central Florida!

For those who have eyes to see, there are hundreds of works of art around them. This web site provides some information on many of those works of art that can be regularly viewed in Orange County by any member of the public without an admission fee. They are outside in public view, or located in an interior area that is normally open to the public.

Look around this web site and find something that interests you. Then go see it in person. The information you find here will add to the pleasure of exploring public art in Central Florida.

If, in your travels around Orange County, you come across some public art that is not listed here, please let us know so we can add it. If you are aware of additional information about art or artist that is included here, again, please let us know. Together we can make this an incredible resource for people seeking to spice up their life through exploring art.